Monday, 29 November 2010

Narutomaki / Kamaboko Recipe

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For those of you who don't know, those swirly flakes in your ramen soup are called Narutomaki - a form of Kamaboko called narutomaki because it is reminiscent of the whirlpools in the naruto sea - or some such rubbish.

Anyway, these are extremely difficult to get hold of in the UK - at least in the North East of England, and I have seen many people asking for recipes and not many actual recipes about. I have made my own Kamaboko before but the result was not as visually pleasing as the actual Narutomaki brand. This one works a treat.

Ingredients - 
  • 3 white fish fillets
  • 1 cup rice flour
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 tbsp mirin
  • 2 tbsp cornstarch
  • 1 pack of 16 crabsticks
  • Coloured rice paper (like the kind found in candy stores)
Blend all the ingredients slowly adding the flour. You're looking for more of a paste consistency than dough. When ready, spread the paste over a sheet of coloured rice paper on a bamboo rolling mat and roll as if it were a sleeping bag - careful not to squeeze the paste out!

Steam for 20 minutes - add a few dashes of vinegar to the water to bleach the rice flour and let the rice paper dye run a little. 


Marina said...

Thank you!!! I was searching for this recipe, will try it out for sure!

Maybe without crabsticks and colored paper, instead use just fish and natural coloring such as red cabbage :)


Alexis von Blumenthal said...

Actually, I've revsitied this recipe and I recommend shrimo, mirrin and tapioca.

Felix said...

I thought about making narutomaki, but I'm a bit confused by your comment.
Could you post the complete new recipe, please?

I would love to give it a try.

Greetings Form Germany.

interview hr said...
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